In case you didn't know, i work at the Country Club Of Orlando. I don't know about anyone elses job or where they work but I'm starting to notice a trend where I work. PRANKS! I work full time here in banquets/garde manger and I def. see my fair share of practical jokes going on. A few of the big ones are that "ball gazing" game where you make the "a-ok" hand gesture below the wait and if someone looks you say "GOT EM!" my fellow brigade member find this one particularly funny. Others include hiding knives or other tools and sticking obnoxious labels to each others backs. Make no mistake, we get our work done! but this was just a "mini post" if you will, giving credit to our in-the-kitchen pass times. Do you have anything like this going on where you work? Leave some feedback and let's laugh about it!
-Rich, TPS
The Pantry Stache
This is TPS' blog/vlog launch pad, bringing you the meat and potatoes of the culinary world.
TPS team is dedicated to first cooking and preparing artful, heartfelt, passionate,
creative food and then sharing it with friends and fellow cooks.
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I like to freeze things in my kitchen...